hsec online toolbox talk 19-60


Developing everyday safety habits can keep you injury free throughout the year.

Here are 10 Safety Habits to discuss with your teams:

  1. Set Your Own Standards – You are responsible for your own safety, make sure you get home to your family and others get home to theirs.
  2. Operate Equipment Only if Qualified – Don’t be afraid to let your supervisor know if you are qualified to do a job or operate a piece of equipment. Safety is as much your responsibility as your supervisors.
  3. Respect Machinery – Machinery is hazardous. Remember to neutralise all energies before placing your any part of your body in harm’s way. Always understand, and use the lock out and isolation procedures.
  4. Use Your Own Initiative – You may in the best position to identify a need for additional personal protective equipment (PPE). Ask for additional guidance on a task if you need identify see a risk.
  5. Ask Questions – Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Your question may save a life.
  6. Be Careful When Lifting – Most muscle and spinal injuries are from overstraining. The few minutes it takes to get help may prevent weeks off work and being in pain.
  7. Practice Good Housekeeping – Messy work areas are the breeding grounds for incidents & accidents. You may not be the victim, but don’t be a cause.
  1. Wear Suitable Work Clothes – Wear appropriate PPE for each
    job. Avoid loose clothing, dangling jewellery, and tie long hair back so it does not become entangled in the machinery.
  2. Practice Good Personal Hygiene – Some jobs are messy! Avoid touching eyes, face, and mouth with gloves or hands that are dirty. Most industrial rashes are the result of poor hygiene practices.
  3. Be a Positive Part of the Safety Team – Willingly accept and follow safety rules and encourage others to do so too. Your attitude can play a major role in the prevention of incidents and accidents in the work place.

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