ttb 55


Some things to know before you give your talk.

As a supervisor, you know how important tools are in getting the job done. Tools, like screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, side cutters, vice grips, all have an important place at your jobsite.
Remind your crew that each of these tools are designed to perform their own special function and using them for any other job may result in serious injury. For instance, how many times has your crew used a screwdriver when they should have used a pry-bar, or a punch or a chisel?
Here are some of the accidents which have happened because of using the wrong hand tool or because the tool was damaged:

  • A worker was using a wrench to hammer a bolt. The head of the wrench glanced off the end of the bolt and injured their finger.
  • Someone was using a hammer with a loose head. The head flew off and struck another employee.
  • A worker was using a pick with a damaged handle when a splinter from the handle entered their hand.


Tool Rules
  • Use the right tool for the job
  • Check your tools before using them
  • Turn in any damaged tools
  • Take care of your tools
  • Use Personal Protective Equipment


Try this for show and tell!

Find a damaged tool that has obviously been used for the wrong job and show it to the crew. Check the toolbox for damaged tools.


Questions you can use to get them talking:
  • When was the last time you checked your toolbox for damaged tools?
  • Has anyone ever had an accident – or know of someone who did – when they used the wrong tool?

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